The Guru is your own nature appearing within the dream to awaken you. The Guru is your awakening, and your always already Conscious state. He is not some separateness, some individual, nor does He live as an “other” in any sense. He is Very Consciousness. The Guru is one’s own nature, absolutely, not symbolically.
(from My “Bright” Word)
~ Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Please join us for a very full Saturday evening and Sunday morning online event.
Saturday July 31st: 8:00PM – 9:30PM (Central European Time – CEST)
Sunday August 1st: 10:00AM – 12:30PM (Central European Time – CEST)
Some highlights of the program:
- Da Purnima sacred musical offerings and recitations
- A special presentation by Matthew Spence
- Video tour of the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary with pictures of Adi Da Samraj at the various holy sites
- Unique Darshan video footage of Adi Da Samraj
After registration you will receive information on how to participate online.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the celebration!